Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Thursday Evening

"C'mon Dover, move your bloomin' arse!"

*The Dirty Pirate escorted me and some friends downtown to see My Fair Lady. It is currently Tuesday and I still have songs stuck in my head. I would say that is a good sign. The show was awesome! There was no knitting for me once the lights turned off. I was working on The Dirty Pirate - sock number two and had no desire to drop stitches. In fact I was in the middle of a row when the theatre went dark. I had a moment of panic and told The Dirty Pirate that if he even though about slipping a stitch off the needles I would toss him and sock number one in the garbage. Needless to say no stitches were lost and no socks were harmed or tossed into nearby garbage. Whew!

Here I am riding the Light Rail, listening to yet another tale of the high seas as told by The Dirty Pirate.

By the look on my face I would say Mr Pirate just got to the naughty part of the story. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.

Pretty knitters all in a row.

This was just before the theatre went dark.

*I have no idea why I have given a pair of socks a human form but I have and I can, so roll with it! I am assuming because they are the first pair I have knit....they are like my first born. So humor me people.

1 comment:

WandaWoman said...

the play sounds like it was a fun night!